Heritage Teas UK came into being, and I began to try the tea from different gardens, noting the flavour of each and how it made me feel.
I created ‘Deepali’s Darjeeling’ and now 'Deepali's Terroir', which brings you this delicate Organic, 100% Darjeeling Whole Leaf Tea with its unique flavour, selected by me from particular gardens in the foothills of the Himalayas. These gardens are located strictly within the geographical area designated by the Tea Board of India as the growing area for Darjeeling tea. Only 87 gardens have received the Geographical Indicator certification that my tea carries.
My selection brings you the enjoyment that the plant grown on the higher reaches of the beautiful tea growing region of Darjeeling, and nurtured by the gentle breeze, sunshine, water and soil particular to the slopes from which they are picked, can provide. The leaves are picked by women, using the balls of their forefinger and thumb, and only the tips are picked, then dried and fermented to just the right extent to provide its unique flavour. My tea is not blended with tea from any other gardens or other locations within the garden.
The Organic tea I select is grown in complete harmony with the surroundings, and according to the principles of organic farming laid out by the scientist and philosopher Dr Rudolph Steiner and certified by Demeter.
Demeter International is the largest certification organization for biodynamic agriculture, and is used in over 50 countries to verify that biodynamic products meet international standards in production and processing. The Demeter certification program, established in 1928 in Germany, was the first ecological label for organically produced foods.